The Rhoda Goetz Foundation for Multiple Sclerosis
The Rhoda Goetz Foundation for Multiple Sclerosis
The Rhoda Goetz Foundation for Multiple Sclerosis
The Rhoda Goetz Foundation for Multiple Sclerosis

How We Help

“Sometimes feeling good on the inside starts on the outside.”

The Rhoda Goetz Personal Care Program

Administered by the National MS Society, our program provides personal care services across the country for those with MS including: hair, skin, nail care and massage: customized self-care assessment/evaluation and coaching: and educational wellness and lifestyle programs.  These services help boost confidence, retain independence, regain control over personal care and give a sense of empowerment over physical changes due to illness.

Remarks/Comments on the Rhoda Goetz Personal Care Program:

Natasha desperately needed a haircut and nail care and could not afford services.  She was so extremely delighted to be able to have these done before the holidays when she would be seeing family and friends.

Elle was dealing with tremendous financial stress of MS management needs and had difficulties even paying her medical bills.  The massage provided by the program helped to relieve the stress and tension she was experiencing.

Pamela can no longer lift her arms to manage the grooming of her hair.  In addition, she needed specialized care to manage her hair loss.  Their services provided a huge boost in her self -esteem.

Shelley is a resident at one of the Chapters affiliated skilled nursing facilities.  While the nursing home does provide haircuts, the facial she received was one of the luxuries she missed from when she was able to live independently.  It’s the only physical contact she received aside from her medical care. “The massage therapists were caring, concerned and focused.  Each person was treated individually, with particular attention paid to areas of pain or spasticity.  This was truly wonderful for those of us who are not able to take advantage of massage services due to the cost.  Thank you so much for doing this for us!”

In- Home Care/Chore Service:

  • RGPCF provides In- Home care for individuals with MS.  In- home care is provided 8 consecutive days.  4 hours/day after a hospital stay or exacerbation.  RPGPCF pays for a licensed home care agency to provide services.
  • RGPCF provides chore service for individuals with MS.  Chore service provides a house cleaning service up to $300 per year.  The fund is most utilized when a client is coming off a recent exacerbation or hospital stay.

Since 2005 the Rhoda Goetz Foundation has been able to provide:

  • Hundreds of patients with Personal Care
  • Hundreds of patients with In- home care and Chore Service
  • Financial assistance for cutting edge research

Research on Progressive MS:

RGPCF supports “Progenitor cell-based myelination of the dysmyelinated central nervous system” being conducted by Steven A. Goldman, MD, PhD at the University at Rochester Medical Center in Rochester, New York.